How to Answer the "Why Economics?" College Essay

Rubin Caco

Showcasing yourself as an ideal candidate who is passionate about your field is key to standing out in the admissions office. Every aspect of the college application process is designed to help Admissions Officers understand a student's skills, desires, and interests. The "why" question is posed by schools nationwide, and it's there to give Admissions Officers insight into a student's motivation. Every detail matters, and how students answer this prompt can affect their admissions results. To help economics students with their college essays, here's InGenius Prep's breakdown on answering the "Why do you want to study economics?" question on their college applications. 

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Why are College Essays Important for Economics?

Each university has a unique mission, and Admissions Officers evaluate thousands of applications each season to select the students who align with it.

At the top schools, high scores alone won't guarantee one's acceptance, and a compelling story definitely helps but will only go so far. When crafting an application, students need to strategize every aspect so they all enhance one another. Admissions Officers consider everything, including academic performance, extracurriculars, test scores, and traits like leadership, passion, and community involvement.

Economics is a demanding field that often requires preparation and academic rigor. While STEM students tend to be strong academically, the personal aspects of their applications sometimes lag behind. Essays are vital for displaying character, and Admissions Officers consider personality fit when reading applications. A poor essay response will likely make an Admissions Officer pass over you. For the best chances of admission, economics students must use their essays to highlight their best qualities and set themselves apart from the other applicants.

How to Answer "Why Economics?"

For this common essay prompt, your goal is to express your knowledge, enthusiasm, and personal connection to economics. Admissions Officers want to know why you've chosen this field, and your response should clearly communicate your dedication and interest.

Consider these questions before writing:

  • What is your personal experience with economics?
  • Why are you passionate about economics? 
  • What is it that interests you about the field? 
  • What do you want to accomplish in economics? 
  • What do you want to learn more about?
  • How will studying at your chosen school help you accomplish that? 

Once you have a robust list of schools to apply to, research their values. Understanding a school's mission will help you craft better responses to their supplemental essay questions. Your writing should align with your school's interests as well as your own. If a school values leadership, highlight your leadership traits. If a school is about intellectual curiosity, reflect on your motivations for learning. Avoid common answers that other economics students will likely default to. "I'm very interested in economics" won't be enough. Focus on the aspects that set you apart from other candidates. 

Fortunately, you won't need to rely on your words alone. Admissions Officers will look at your application from a top-down perspective. They'll consider everything you've accomplished throughout high school, so strategizing early in high school will yield the best results. 

For younger students, strategizing involves using your time in high school to engage in activities, coursework, and passion projects that support your interest in economics. Concrete examples that highlight your dedication to the field will provide the foundational support to your college applications. Older students already in the admissions process need to leverage their experiences to make an impression. This is done by building an all-encompassing and optimized application. Activity lists, test scores, personal statements, and essays—everything should come together to paint the picture of you as an ideal candidate. 

Learn more about enhancing your profile in our blog, "How to Become a Standout Economics Major."

Become the Ideal Economics Student with InGenius Prep

Economics is a fast-rising major among college applicants. Demand for economics experts increases yearly, and students have many opportunities waiting for them on the other side of their degrees. 

Some of the questions posed to you on your college applications may seem simple, but there's no fluff at the top universities. Every part of their application process is designed to show whether or not applicants will be the right fit for a school's student body. Having the highest grades and the most interesting background helps, but Admissions Officers will select the students who embody the school's values and have something unique to offer. 

When answering the "Why economics?" question, think about the reason behind your studies and align your answer with the principles of your chosen school. Highlight your unique traits and prove to your school that you will emerge from your studies as an industry leader. 

Need more tips for your college applications? Check out InGenius Prep's Guide to College Supplemental Essays 2024-2025 for expert advice on answering essay prompts for the top universities.

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