How to Prepare for College Applications: 10 Things to Do Before Senior Year

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Wondering what you should do the summer before senior year to prepare for college applications?  It can feel overwhelming, but with some careful planning and preparation, you can set yourself up for success. In this blog post, we will explore 10 essential tasks that you should tackle during the summer before senior year to prepare for college applications. From creating a master resumé to scheduling campus visits, these steps will help you navigate the college application process with confidence. So, grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started on your journey to college!

Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing for College Applications

1. Create Your Master Resumé

This master resumé should represent all educational, extracurricular, and professional experiences. Remember to also include things you have done outside of school, like any volunteering experiences and hobbies. To ease your workload in the future, fill out your master resumé in the same format as the Common App activities list. Here is an example: 

  • Activity Type: Summer Program
  • Position and Organization: Brown University: Brown Environmental Leadership Lab: examining connections and impacts of human actions on natural ecosystems 
  • Description: Utilized leadership, environmental science & communicated w/ peers on impacts of climate change
  • Participation Grades: 10, 11
  • Timing of Participation: Summer Break
  • Hours/Week: 60+ hrs/week
  • Weeks/Year: 4 weeks

2. Start Brainstorming Your Personal Statement

The summer before senior year is the perfect time to start crafting a compelling personal statement. This crucial component of your college application allows you to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations to admissions officers. Take the time to reflect on your experiences and identify key moments or lessons that have shaped your personal growth and development. Once you have identified these key moments, brainstorm and outline your ideas. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What skills did I gain from this experience?
  • What challenges did I overcome?
  • How did this experience shape my values and aspirations?
  • What impact did I have on others or the community?

Consider the qualities or values that define you and how they relate to your future goals. This will help you create a cohesive narrative that showcases your unique perspective and passion.  Bonus points if you finish your personal statement essays and can get a head start on your supplemental essays.

3. Take Your Extracurriculars to the Next Level

The purpose of extracurriculars is to showcase your unique leadership, initiative and teamwork. To enhance your existing extracurriculars, plan to seek leadership roles rather than joining pre-existing clubs during your senior year. Here are some more ideas: 

  • Start a speaker series for your school’s student group 
  • Start a tutoring service 
  • Attend online writing workshops
  • Launch your own magazine or literary piece 
  • Make a documentary

4. Prepare to Take Standardized Tests

As the fall of senior year approaches, this is often the last opportunity to retake the exams before college applications are due. By dedicating time to test preparation during the summer before senior year, you can improve your scores and present a stronger academic profile to college admissions officers. Registration usually closes a month before the test date so don’t forget to book your test dates ahead of time. Below are the upcoming testing dates.

Upcoming SAT Dates:

  • Aug 26, 2023
  • Oct 7, 2023
  • Nov 4, 2023

Upcoming ACT Dates:

  • September 9, 2023
  • October 28, 2023

5. Reach Out to Teachers and Mentors for Recommendations

Choose your recommenders strategically and think about who knows you well and can speak to your strengths, academic abilities, and personal qualities. It’s important to choose someone who can provide a detailed and insightful recommendation letter. When reaching out to your teachers, provide them with all the necessary information they will need to write a strong recommendation. This includes sharing your resumé, personal statement, and any specific requirements or prompts provided by the colleges or scholarship programs. 

Maintaining a positive relationship with your teachers and mentors is essential, not just during the recommendation process, but throughout your academic journey. Show appreciation for their time and effort by thanking them after they have written your recommendation. 

6. Consult Your College Counselor

Whether it’s choosing the right colleges to apply to or understanding the admission requirements, college counselors have the expertise and experience to help students navigate the complexities of the application process. Some things you can ask your counselor are: 

  • How does the rigor of my coursework compare to my peers?
  • Is my coursework competitive enough to get into X school?
  • Which colleges do students from our school commonly apply to?
  • How have our admissions results been from school X?
  • Do you think I’d be more suited for liberal arts or a large national university?
  • Can you put me in touch with recent alums from our school who attend the colleges I’m interested in?
  • How often should I meet with you to make sure I’m staying on track?

7. Solidify Your Major

You will have to pick a major on the Common App. But remember, your college major is not set in stone and can evolve over time. Choosing the right college major is a personal decision that should be based on your own interests, passions, and goals. Here are some things to consider when selecting a major:

  • What are your academic interests?
  • What career do you want to go into?
  • Which class do you enjoy the most?
  • How do your extracurriculars line up with your academic interests?

8. Narrow Down Your College List

If you haven’t done so already, research not only different types of colleges but also their majors and admission requirements. Explore the range of majors available, such as STEM fields, humanities, social sciences, and fine arts, and determine which colleges align with your academic interests and career goals.

Furthermore, each college has its own set of requirements, including GPA, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular involvement. By understanding these requirements in advance, you can better prepare yourself and ensure that you meet the necessary criteria for your desired colleges.

9. Schedule Campus Visits

Scheduling campus visits is an essential step as it provides invaluable insights and experiences that cannot be obtained through online research alone. By visiting campuses, you can immerse yourself in the college environment, interact with current students, and explore the facilities and resources available. This will allow you to get a sense of the campus culture, the academic environment, and the overall vibe of the college.

Additionally, you can meet with admissions officers during campus visits and ask questions about the application process to gain valuable insights on how to strengthen your college applications. The goal is to better understand which colleges align with your academic interests and career goals, ultimately increasing your chances of finding the perfect fit.

10. Improve Your Organizational and Time Management Skills

Time management is crucial during your senior year of high school, especially when you are also working on college applications. Without effective time management skills, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Here are some tips: 

  • Set deadlines for researching colleges, completing applications, requesting letters of recommendation, and submitting any supplemental materials.
  • Create a checklist of items that need to be completed
  • Utilize a planner or digital calendar to track deadlines
  • Set reminders for important dates

By staying organized and prioritizing tasks, you can ensure that you are making progress and not feeling overwhelmed by the application process. And remember to be realistic with your timeline and allow for flexibility!

Seek Guidance and Support

Navigating the college application process can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Seeking guidance and support from professionals like InGenius Prep can also maximize your chances of admission. Don’t underestimate the importance of preparing for college applications during the summer before senior year — it can make all the difference in your college admissions journey. For more expert college admissions strategy, schedule a complimentary strategy call today with one of our Enrollment Counselors.

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