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College Letter of Recommendation: How to Get a Glowing Letter

October 3, 2016

Many people feel helpless when they’re seeking a college letter of recommendation. Even if you are a stellar student and you work tirelessly on your application, your letters of recommendation sometimes seem out of your control. We have all heard horror stories about how recommenders screwed over their otherwise qualified students, either by failing to submit their letters or writing surprisingly negative letters. And if you’re a student who isn’t at the top of your high school class rank, or if you don’t have the highest SAT score, then a lot of pressure is put on your letters of recommendation. Must you just bite the bullet and say a Hail Mary?

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Improve Your GMAT Score on the Retake in 5 Key Steps

September 30, 2016

Sometimes you don’t get your GMAT score to where it needs to be…not on the first try at least. When this happens, you’ll obviously want to make sure you hit your target score on the retake, so you can put the GMAT behind you and apply early on in the MBA application timeline. Here are some steps you can take to make sure you improve your GMAT score:

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How to Get Into Stanford: 3 Actionable Tips

September 29, 2016

Whenever I tell people I went to Stanford, they usually congratulate me. I’ll respond with an awkward, “thanks” and move on. But while that validation feels great, I’m many times left asking the “why me” question. What’s the trick on how to get into Stanford?

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Advice for Parents of High School Seniors: How Help With Applications

September 23, 2016

Parents play an invaluable role in their kids’ applications. Every parent has a different style when it comes to applications – running the gamut from “hands off” to “Black Hawk helicopter” parenting. It’s easy to want to control everything from signing your student up for the best extracurricular activities for college to editing the essays they write. But finding a balance between being hands-on without being overbearing is key during the admissions process.

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Studying for the SAT and ACT: 6 Ways to Motivate Yourself

September 21, 2016

Before you can start your personal statement for college, ask for letters of recommendation, or even sign up for the Common App, you have to take standardized tests. The SAT or ACT may be the most important test of your life so far. It seems logical that you would have no trouble hitting the books so you could ace the test, but motivation can be hard to come by if you are tempted by other activities or simply feel overwhelmed by the thought of studying for this critical test. Here are a few motivational tips for when you’re studying for the SAT and ACT.

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Personal Statement for College: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid

September 20, 2016

Writing a good personal statement for college is a tricky task. There are endless ways to write a good essay, as well as endless ideas to draw upon from your own individual life. The smallest experience can be the perfect example of a stand-out quality you want to highlight, and sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint these good experiences to write about. A good personal statement for college is one that is unique, well-written, and demonstrates who you are. The key word here is personal.

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Personal Statement for Business School: Tips for a Stand-Out Essay

September 16, 2016

The personal statement for business school is the most important part of your application. By the time you are applying, you probably cannot significantly alter your GPA or GMAT/GRE score. Thus, if your numbers make you a “borderline candidate” – someone who could be admitted but could just as easily be rejected – your personal statement for business school is your greatest opportunity to swing the decision in your favor. In this case, you should also make sure to pay close attention to the MBA application timeline – apply in the first two rounds. As one Director of Admissions put it: “If someone with your numbers has a possibility of being admitted to a particular school, but not everyone with your numbers is admitted to that school, the major deciding factor is the personal statement.”

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US News Rankings Methodology: What's Really Behind the Numbers

September 13, 2016

People crave rankings. But what do these rankings mean? How are they actually formulated? The 2017 US News and World Report college rankings came out recently, and while people love consuming them, they many times fail to ask what exactly is behind this US News rankings methodology.

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Stanford Olympians and College Admissions: 6 Questions with Maggie Steffens

September 8, 2016

Before she even started her freshman year at Stanford, Maggie Steffens was an Olympic gold medalist and the MVP of the USA women’s water polo team. Now, four years later, she and her teammates have made history as the first water polo team to win back-to-back Olympic gold medals. And, besides water polo, what’s one thing they all have in common?

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10 Time Management Tips for Students Applying to College

August 24, 2016

There are no shortcuts in the college admissions process. Applications take time. And it’s not that there aren’t strategies to better manage your time; it’s simply that effective time management requires diligence, hard work, and most of all – discipline.

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