5 Ways to Study for the LSAT While in College

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In this post, Steve Schwartz from LSAT Blog gives 5 tips to help students balance their college courseloads with graduate-level exam Prep.

If you have a full college course load and a decent social life, it’s probably hard enough to balance the two. Add studying for the LSAT to the mix, and you may feel overwhelmed. This post gives you 5 ways to balance studying for the LSAT with school and life obligations.

1. Start your LSAT Prep early.

It’s much easier to do a little bit each week over the course of several weeks than to cram all your studying at once. It’s less stressful, and it won’t detract as much from schoolwork or your social life. Plan ahead and treat the LSAT as if it were another college class (or 3), and study for it over the course of the semester.

2. Fit in studying wherever you can.

Doing an LSAT Logic Game or a couple of Logical Reasoning questions between classes can keep you in the LSAT mind-set even if you’re not studying for a few hours each day.

3. Set aside specific days and times each week to study.

This will ensure that a few weeks or months don’t go by while your LSAT Prep books gather dust in the corner. Create a study schedule and stick to it.

4. Stay off AIM, Facebook, and Gmail, and close your laptop.

I know computers and Internet are ubiquitous on college campuses, especially for socializing. However, you don’t need a computer to study for the LSAT, and having one around will only serve as a distraction. Get rid of these time-suckers and stick to the books.

5. Form a study group.

If you can find people on your college campus (or in your neighborhood) who are also Preparing for the LSAT, it may help to form a study group. Try to find study partners whose abilities complement your own so that you can help each other. Meeting on a regular basis will take some of the isolation out of test Prep, and, like a gym buddy, a study partner will help motivate you to study.

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