How to Approach the Yale Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

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How to Approach the Yale Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

As you embark on the road to writing your Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023, it’s important to think about why you’ve chosen to apply, beyond the obvious fact that Yale is consistently one of the highest-ranked schools in the country. Is it the chance to combine your two favorite subjects through the “Mathematics & Philosophy” major that resonates with you, or is it the once-in-a-lifetime shot at studying reefs and rainforests for a semester in Australia that you can’t stop thinking about? Whatever it is about the home of the Bulldogs that calls your name, there’s no better way to let admissions officers know than through your supplemental essays. 

Yale highly values knowing what motivates your academic pursuits, and the supplemental essays provide the opportunity to show the school that you’re curious, ambitious, and intellectually driven. To frame your aspirations in a way that highlights you as an impressive applicant, you need to take advantage of the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023. To guide you through them, I’ve outlined each of the prompts, how best to approach them, and additional tips to make sure that you write outstanding essays that separate you from the particularly tough Yale applicant pool. 

Short Answer Questions

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application, Common Application, or QuestBridge Application will respond to the following short answer questions: 

Students at Yale have plenty of time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.

This question is your chance to show your focus directly. So, emphasize areas of choice that make sense alongside other parts of your application. The three majors you choose should definitely be connected. Within your major, try to be as specific as possible. Don’t just automatically say “biology.” Look through options that match your aspirations and consider options such as “Biology (Ecology & Evolutionary),” “History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health,” and “Biomedical Engineering.” Don’t choose a topic just because you think it sounds impressive. Admissions officers aren’t looking for any specific answers beyond what legitimately reflects your interests and goals.  

Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)

Now we get to why one of these areas appeals to you. Again, there are no specific boxes that your reasons need to check. 200 words is a very restricted limit, so don’t run around in circles. Think about something specific because after all they want one topic or idea.

What topics do you enjoy thinking about in school? It could be related to an environmental law, a physics formula, a mathematical equation. A good way to narrow down your options might be to ask yourself, “What can I give a five-minute presentation on right now?” 

Don’t talk in general terms such as “studying Environmental Engineering can help scientists understand the world’s issues better.” The question asks why the topic excites you. You could use a short anecdote to drive your point home. Use the topic to then elaborate on what an ideal undergraduate academic experience looks like for you, and how Yale’s programs are suited for you. 

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Now we get to the classic “Why Yale” question in the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023. When reading your responses, Yale wants to know two things: “Who is likely to make the most of Yale’s resources?” and “Who will contribute most significantly to the Yale community?” The key to answering this question is to keep it simple and specific while making sure your knowledge of the school comes through. You want to be presented as a one-of-a-kind candidate. Since the word limit is tight, you must pinpoint one or two things that makes Yale special – not in general, but in connection to your interests.

Are you excited by the chance to explore your love for film and media through courses such as FILM 233: Children and Schools in Global Cinema and FILM 320: Close Analysis of Film, while becoming an active member of the Yale Film Society? Or are you more drawn by the chance to enrich your advocacy for global health care through the Health & Community: Globalization, Culture, and Care comparative study abroad program across five different countries?

Keep your scope narrowed to features that can only be found at Yale so the reader knows you’ve done your research and are applying for the school itself, and not just the Ivy League name. 

Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will also respond to the following short answer questions, in 35 words or fewer:

  • What inspires you?
  • Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask?
  • You are teaching a new Yale course. What is it called?
  • What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?

Based on your answers to these four very short questions, admissions officers hope to gauge how you think and who you are. There’s no need to spend hours coming up with the “perfect” response because it’s all about painting an authentic picture of your personality. For any of these responses, you should avoid the most basic or common answers such as inviting Bill Gates or Barack Obama to be the guest speaker or wishing to teach a course called “19th Century Literature.” Your goal is to stand out and 19th Century Literature courses already exist in every university. They won’t make you memorable!

“What inspires you?” is an extremely broad question. With 35 words in your hand, you cannot get too elaborate. Don’t mention random disconnected things that are all over the place. It is easiest to stick to one answer here – for example, a piece of media such as a song or movie, or a goal such as achieving success in the future.

For the second prompt, you should spend more time thinking about your question rather than about the guest’s identity. This is a good chance to show admissions officers where your interests lie, what you’re curious about and whether you have the ability to ask a good question. 

In answering the third question, think about something more niche within your area of interest. You aren’t locked within traditional boundaries of academics – you could teach a social media course or poster-making class!

The fourth question is new. And it’s only 35 words or fewer so there’s not much space to dive deeper into one of your activities/awards. This could be a place a fun fact goes, such as “my full name means Poetry of Ultimate Knowledge” or “Once I swam the English Channel.” Something quick, quirky and memorable—you get the picture!


Applicants submitting the Coalition Application or Common Application will respond to one of the following prompts in 400 words or fewer. 

  • Yale carries out its mission “through the free exchange of ideas in an ethical, interdependent, and diverse community.” Reflect on a time when you exchanged ideas about an important issue with someone holding an opposing view. How did the experience lead you either to change your opinion or to sharpen your reasons for holding onto it?

This is a question that determines the candidate’s maturity and willingness to stand their ground—or have their perspective shifted for the better—and if this applies to you, I believe this is a great way to show Yale that you are a strong potential member of their “ethical, independent, and diverse” community. Carefully consider the incident you chose—make sure it’s not something that comes across as too controversial or offensive. As long as you don’t show either of your views as extremely questionable, it’s okay to choose the options where your view was changed. However, you could also reflect on an incident where you did sharpen your reasons for sticking to what you believed in. No matter what, explain carefully why you made the decision.

  • Reflect on a time when you have worked to enhance a community to which you feel connected. Why have these efforts been meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.

When answering this prompt in the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023, think about a group or place that has impacted you—it could be your ethnic or religious community or it could be a club at school, or an organization outside of school that matters to you. Think about the role you’ve played in the community, how you’ve improved it, how it has shaped your perspective, and how you’d be different without it.

The heart of this prompt lies in explaining how your leadership efforts have been meaningful. Were there situations where you had to lead the community when others couldn’t? Have there been any changes that you’ve successfully implemented? Make sure your come out looking like a person who isn’t afraid to take on a challenge or step out of their comfort zone and genuinely make an impact.

Additional Tips for Writing the Yale Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

As you brainstorm and jot down ideas to compose your Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Be succinct but confident – None of the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023 have a significantly high word limit. While obviously the short essays should get points across in 35 words, the word limit for the longer essay questions isn’t too high either. So in a matter of a few hundred words, you have to confidently answer questions by convincingly telling a story, providing a clear picture of yourself, and outlining your goals in relation to the programs at Yale. Don’t beat around the bush. Get straight to the point and go through multiple drafts while actively reflecting on how Yale is the right school for you.
  • Don’t misrepresent yourself – For questions that ask about your academic interests or ideas that you find exciting, it might be tempting to try and guess what Yale wants to hear. Definitely avoid that, as it’s neither fair to you nor your reader. Yes, there comes a lot of pressure with applying to a school as selective as Yale, but if you try too hard, you’re going to put a lot of effort into an application that is dishonest. You want the admissions officers to evaluate you based on your real interests.
  • Make sure to be specific – For a few prompts in the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023, such as the role“Why Yale?” question, you might be misguided to list things straight from the Yale website to prove that you have done your research. Except, the website exists for everybody and if admissions officers wanted to read it, they’d pull it up on their web browser. Don’t just copy and paste cool features – tell the school something about yourself that they don’t know in connection to how you’d benefit from Yale’s resources. The goal of these essays is to see how you’d fit within the campus environment. Why do you think Yale is the best place for you?

The best way to stand out from your peers in the Yale supplemental essays 2022-2023 is to emphasize qualities and experiences that are unique to you. If admissions officers come away from reading your responses knowing you’re making a well-informed decision, they’re more likely to go to bat for you. Ultimately, make sure your responses have highlighted the perspective you’ll bring and why Yale’s resources can help you achieve your goals. Best of luck!

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