IN PERSON EVENT: How to Get Accepted to Top Universities!

Student S Gets Accepted to Yale, REA!

Yale University
Student S is from Virginia and he started working with us in 10th grade. He completed our Candidacy Building, Academic Mentorship, and Application Counseling programs. Student S was admitted to Yale University, Restrictive Early Action, as a Hahn Scholar!
A women

About the Student

Application Persona

Future science investigator using communication as a tool to promote medical knowledge




4.411 Weighted

Test Score



Neuroscience, Biology

Extracurricular Activities

  • Published Researcher and Lead Coordinator for High School’s Project-Based Lab
  • Food Blogger, Chef, and Founder of Catering Business
  • Co-Founder, Co-President, and Webmaster of Non-Profit
  • Founder, and Co-Director of Community Service Project Related to Seniors, Food, and Music
  • Co-Editor in Chief and Contributing Author for High School’s Scientific Journal
  • Research Internships at NIH and GW School of Medicine
  • Student Representative for State’s COVID Education Task Force
  • VP then Co-President of Spanish National Honor Society

The Challenges

  • Student S attended a competitive high school—most of his peers wanted to apply to top colleges and had great STEM research experience.
  • Neuroscience and biology are very competitive fields. Although Student S had a lot of research under his belt, he needed to find a unique approach to his application.
  • Student S had a lot of academic commitments and wasn’t sure which of his extracurriculars to prioritize.

I just received news that I was admitted! Thank you for all your help!

Student S

Yale University

How did InGenius Prep Help?

Candidacy Building: 

  • Candidacy Building Roadmap: When student S started working with us in the 10th grade, we made a roadmap, which planned and outlined meeting schedules, detailed meeting reports, his extracurricular enhancement plan, standardized testing planning, strengths and weaknesses, and more!
  • Strengths and Weaknesses Assessment: We started by analyzing Student S’s strengths and weaknesses. From there, we made an action plan to build on his strengths and work through his weaker areas.
    • Addressing Weaknesses: We developed 5 main strategies for addressing Student S’s weaknesses. We hoped that he would develop into a STE(A)M applicant instead of just STEM. We also wanted to prioritize extracurriculars that would show his more “human” side.
  • Standardized Test Strategy:
    • SAT vs. ACT: Because Student S didn’t score as well as he wanted to on SAT practice tests, we advised him to take the ACT instead. After two sittings he hit his target score!
    • SAT Subject Tests: We also recommended that Student S take SAT subject tests in order to showcase his prowess in STEM subjects. Although he ultimately wasn’t able to take the Bio subject test due to COVID cancellations, Student S’s perfect scores in the Chemistry and Math 2 helped boost his profile academically.
  • Extracurricular Enhancement:
    • Food Blog/Catering Company:
      • Goal: In order to distinguish Student S from the typical STEM applicant, one of the aspects of his profile we wanted to highlight was his interest in cooking.
      • Process: With our suggestion and help, he started a food blog, with a long-term goal of building a significant following and posting numerous recipes. As subscribers grew, he began offering services to add a business angle to his profile.
      • Outcome: His food blog held the 2nd spot on his Common App activities list and established him as a STEM student who was also interested in food sciences.
    • Piano/Service: 
      • Goal: Student S was also a talented piano player passionate about community service. He wanted to pursue medicine in the future and service is an important aspect of medical school applications.
      • Process: He had started a foundation that connected student musicians with senior homes and organized performances. With our help, the organization grew in terms of membership and outreach.
      • Outcome: Student S’s bio on the foundation website detailed how he had been inspired by the positive impact on the brain—therefore connecting music to his interest in neuroscience.

Application Counseling:

  • Time Management Questionnaire: We had Student S complete a questionnaire order to understand how we could help him with time management as his college applications got closer.
  • Application Persona:
    • Background: By the time Student S transitioned to our Application Counseling program, he had established himself as someone who was also interested in communications and the arts alongside science through his work in Candidacy Building.
    • Determining the Persona: We thus assigned him the Application Persona, “Future science investigator using communication as a tool to promote medical knowledge.” This would inform his other application components.
    • Reasoning: This theme was unique to his activities and would distinguish him from other students at his school, as well as other STEM candidates.
  • School List Research: 
    • Goals: Student S had his eyes set on competitive colleges known for STEM that would also offer him opportunities to take courses in other fields.
    • Strategizing: We suggested colleges such as Yale and Harvard, where he could combine neuroscience, public health, and food sciences. We believed that Yale would value Student S’s Application Persona and his interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience.
    • Outcome: Upon visiting the campus in person, Student S appreciated Yale even more and decided to apply in the restricted action round.
  • Activities List:
    • Background: Student S had developed a unique extracurricular profile through Candidacy Building, so his activities showed sustained involvement and impressive leadership and collaboration skills.
    • Editing: We offered feedback that ensured that his nuanced approach to STEM would shine.
    • Final Version: Student S’s final Common App activities list showed depth—he had combined neuroscience with his interests in cooking, writing, social justice, and music.
  • Additional Information Section
    • Strategy: Since Student S was applying to a competitive major, we wanted to be able to highlight his broad research experience and published papers. We took advantage of the additional information section and offered edits to make sure his impressiveness was conveyed.
    • Final Version: The final version of Student S’s additional information section showed that he had in-depth research experience in STEM.
  • Personal Statement:
    • Topic Selection: Student S had several ideas for his essay, including STEM activities, his love for cooking, and his family background. Since his activities list and honors section spoke elaborately on his STEM involvements, we suggested Student S write his personal statement about the origins of his love for cooking and integrate his family heritage into this essay.
    • Editing: As his essay took shape, we offered high-level comments in order to streamline his narrative on family and love for cooking. We provided several rounds of in-line edits until the essay was its best possible version.
    • Final Version: The final version of Student S’s personal statement conveyed a moving story about how he had used cooking as a way to break away from gender stereotypes and
      connect with his family.
  • Supplemental Essays:
    • Topic Selection: Since Yale had several supplemental essays, Student S wrote about his various interests, from neuroscience, to gastronomy.
    • Editing: We offered edits that would highlight aspects of his personality and profile that had not been discussed elsewhere. Our comments also focused on making sure he expanded on why he was a good fit for Yale and vice versa.
    • Final Version: Student S’s final supplemental essays showed him as an inquisitive individual ready to contribute to the community with his unique interests and a vibrant personality.
  • Final Review: Once Student S’s application was ready, his Former Admissions Officer conducted a Final Review, analyzing the application as if they were still in the admissions office. After the FAO’s final feedback was applied, Student S submitted his application!

Student Results

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