Should I Go to Law School? 50 Questions to Ask Yourself

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Should I Go To Law School? 50 Questions to Ask Yourself

As you try to figure out where your next steps lie, one of the options in front of you is the question of “should I go to law school?” Making a call that not only shapes the next few years but the rest of your career isn’t an easy task by any means. You need to think about whether law school truly is the right path for you. There are several points to consider, such as your academic preparation, what your resumé looks like, whether you have an interesting story to tell, and most importantly, whether you’re pursuing law for the right reasons.

Don’t make the decision on a whim. Think carefully about the pros and cons and whether you’re ready for this career trajectory. If you’re still in college, do you need full-time work experience first? If you’ve been working, how do you think a law career can help you take the next steps? There’s a lot to consider. To guide you through the thought process, we’ve outlined 50 questions that can hopefully help you reach a conclusion as you wonder “should I go to law school?

Your Academic Preparation

  • Is your GPA above 3.3?
  • If you don’t have a strong GPA do you have full-time work experience?
  • Have you taken the LSAT?
  • Do you have a high LSAT score?
  • Would you be able to handle piles of reading and writing assignments?
  • Are you ready to go back to school?
  • Are you burnt out?

Your Resumé and Income

  • Have you worked in a position at a legal office? Did you enjoy it?
  • Do you have experience working with people?
  • Do you have traits sought after in lawyers such as analytical skills, good judgment, research skills, perseverance, and people skills?
  • Do you have a significant amount of money saved for tuition?
  • Are you happy with your current income?
  • Are you interested in law school just for the salary? 
  • Are you good at making arguments?
  • Have you held any leadership positions at work?
  • How are your teamwork and collaboration skills?

Your Career 

  • Have you put careful consideration in becoming a lawyer, or is it something you want to act on based on an impulse?
  • Is it just a childhood dream that you might not be prepared for?
  • Are you interested in legal, justice, economic or social issues?
  • Is attending law school necessary for your ideal career path?
  • Do you know which area of law you would want to specialize in?
  • Are you particularly passionate about legal issues in a certain profession that you’ve pursued?
  • Is there another career you would be happier going after?
  • Are you only considering law school because you don’t know what else to pursue?
  • Do you want to follow a path where you engage in problem-solving?
  • What skills do you have that might prove useful in a legal setting?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
  • Have you started your own organization?

Your Law School Essays

  • Do you have a compelling enough reason behind pursuing a JD that you can elaborate on in your essay?
  • Would your personal statement help you stand out from the rest of the candidates?
  • Do you have a strong story to tell through the law school diversity statement?
  • Has your background particularly shaped you?
  • Do you have an activity that has made an impact on you that you can elaborate on?

Reasons Behind Your Application

  • Is going to law school your dream or your parents’ dream for you?
  • Are you only pursuing this route because a professor suggested it?
  • Are you only interested in a law career based on what you’ve seen on TV shows such as Law and Order or Suits?
  • Are you passionate about helping people?
  • Have you spoken to a lawyer and understood what a prospective career in law entails?
  • Do you only want to go to law school because you want to tell people that you hold a law degree?
  • Is law your one true passion?
  • What are you hoping to accomplish as a result of attending law school?
  • Do you ultimately see law school as a worthy investment?
  • Are you passionate about changing the landscape within a certain field? 

Your Extracurriculars and Interests

  • Have you participated in and enjoyed law-related activities, such as a law review or mock trial?
  • Does your activities list only consist of common clubs such as debate and Model UN?
  • Have you gone beyond these common activities to take legal-related initiatives that further demonstrate your commitment to the field?
  • Do you have a quirky or unusual interest that can help your application stand out?
  • Have you conducted research relevant to the legal field? Did you like it?
  • Have you done any volunteer work in a legal setting? Did you enjoy it?
  • Have you made an impact in your community or would like to do so?

Law School Application Timeline

As you think about the question of “should I go to law school,” it might benefit you to know what the application timeline looks like. If you haven’t taken the LSAT, take a look at upcoming test dates and start preparing. As you study, make sure you’ve also got impressive extracurriculars as well as a strong legal resumé. If it’s too late for you to get everything ready on time in the upcoming cycle, you should consider a gap year before law school and think about how you can immerse yourself in full-time work in a way that suitably prepares you for your JD program. 

Ideally, your application would be submitted before December, if not by Halloween, so that’s a target date to keep in mind when thinking about “should I go to law school.” To stay on track, you would have to take the LSAT, formulate a list of 10-12 reach, target, and safety programs that fit with your scores and grades, and start brainstorming your personal statement around June-August. While juggling all those components, you would have to start talking to your recommenders in the fall, giving them at least a month to write you strong letters. Finally, you have to gather all your materials, go over multiple drafts of your essays, and since law school admissions are rolling, try to get your application submitted as early as possible.   

How to Prepare for Your Law School Application

After going over the questions, if you’ve said “yes” to “should I go to law school,” it’s time to think about how to get an edge over the rest of the candidates. Your grades and LSAT score are obviously two very important components. Admissions officers will use these numbers to determine whether you can keep up with the academic load during your JD years. 

Law schools want their cohorts to be made up of individuals who each add something different. Your law school essays, particularly your personal statement, is an effective method to convey how you can uniquely contribute to the classroom. As you think about “should I go to law school,” take the time to also brainstorm what you’d write in your essay to show admissions officers why you’re a standout candidate. Your law school personal statement is the place to reflect on your interests and background to set yourself apart in a tough applicant pool. If you’ve got an unusual hobby or you’ve been particularly shaped by your culture, elaborate on how so here.

Since the answer to “should I go to law school” will have a big impact on your career, this question isn’t something you should decide in one day. Rather than making the call because you had a dream you were a lawyer, carefully consider your academic strengths and whether this is a path that holds a sustainable future for you. As you go through each question, think about whether you have the attributes to thrive in law school and if the degree would further your aspirations. Good luck!

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