Tips from a High School Senior on the College Application Process

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How to Stay Sane During the College Application Process: 4 Tips From a High School Senior

Finally, winter is coming to an end as the warm breeze of early spring blows. While seniors cherish their last few months in high school, juniors might find this spring the most nerve-wracking time of year: the college application process is on the way. Are you ready for it?

As a senior who has just been through the college application process, I understand your confusion and anxiety. I remember myself sitting in the college guidance classroom with my head in the clouds, having no idea how I should start.

If you’re freaking out about your college application process, I’m here to share this mantra with you: stay sane and you’ll be fine! The whole college application process passes like a spring breeze and at the end of this year, you might be surprised by how fast it has gone.

Here are my four tips to help you stay sane during the college application process.

1. Hang in there and relax

First, give yourself a round of applause for completing almost three years of high school. You’ve grown. You’ve acquired knowledge. You’ve played sports, participated in  community service, and pursued your passions. You’ve accomplished many things.

Now, your job in the college application process is to show admissions officers who you are. You should stick to your guns and feel confident about your application. When stress kicks in, don’t feel guilty about taking little breaks. Give yourself some time to adjust to the new work pace.

Whenever I was feeling under pressure with all the tasks on my huge to-do list, I’d give myself a half-hour break and do something relaxing—go for a walk, watch recipe videos on Facebook, or simply vent about my life to friends. As soon as I felt refreshed again, I’d always go back to work with improved concentration and efficiency. Having the right attitude and giving yourself a break is the first step to staying sane during the fast-paced college application process!

2. Learn college application vocabulary

Liberal Arts. Common Application. EA/ED/REA Admissions. If terms like these confuse you, it is time to learn some college application vocabulary. Google them. Ask your college counselor. Check out this list of college application terms.

Remember, you’re not in English class. Instead of trying to memorize the definitions of different college application terms, it is more important to understand how they relate to your own college application process. When I learned the differences between universities and liberal arts colleges, I could better reflect upon which type of institution would be a better fit for me. I figured that I’d like to attend a university which also provides its undergraduates with the value of liberal arts and opportunities to interact with graduate students. Having this expectation in my mind helped me stay sane as I narrowed my college choices. Knowledge of college application terms will steer you through the college application process as you map out your plans.

3. Create a college application timeline

As you’re preparing your application materials, you should add all of your standardized test dates, college visits, and application deadlines to your calendar. By referring to this timeline, you can stay on top of your college application process and put together all applications in a timely fashion.

I used Google Calendar to create my application timeline, and one thing that helped me was syncing my Google Calendar with my iPhone Calendar. Therefore, I was always able to keep track of the various college application deadlines. The event invitation function of Google Calendar made it easy for me to set up meetings with my school counselor and teachers who wrote my recommendation letters. A detailed application timeline will help you manage the logistics of your college application process with a clear mind.

4. Don’t cry over spilled milk

If you’re still thinking about a B you got in your freshman English class, or a mistake you made at an important math competition, you should move on and let the past be the past. Going through your past “failures” over and over only chips away at your confidence in the college application process.

Looking back on my college application process, I kept asking myself these “what if?” questions and wished I’d done certain things differently. “What if I’d spent more time on community service?” ”What if I’d scored higher on my SAT Literature Subject Test?” However, there is no such person as the perfect applicant. My little imperfections did not bring me a rejection letter from my dream school. Instead, they help demonstrate how I’ve grown into the person I am today.

I know my life trajectory is not determined by the next four years at school, but at the same time, I know an exciting, enriching, and eye-opening college experience can be life-changing. My college application process was stressful at the start, yet rewarding in the end. I hope my tips will help you stay sane during your college application process, and I wish you best of luck as you embark on this journey!

About the author: My name is Ziqi (Vivian) Lei. I come from Kunming, Yunnan, China. I’m a senior at the Pennington School and an incoming freshman at the University of Chicago. My intended major is creative writing. In my free time, I love to watch movies, listen to music, and drink coffee.

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