High School GPA: Can I Get Into Top Schools with B’s?
Everyone knows the top schools look for students with academic track records that back up their ambitions. But you may be wondering what your chances are with your current high school GPA. Exactly how strong does your academic performance need to be? Can you get into the Ivy League with mostly A’s and a couple of B’s?
Yes, you can get into top schools with some B’s, but it depends on the rest of your academic profile. And you should be asking yourself a few different questions about your high school GPA for a better understanding of your chances.
When did you get the B’s?
Freshman year grades are typically reviewed more leniently by admissions officers than your junior year grades. Schools understand that it takes some time to adjust to a high school curriculum, so a B or even two in your freshman year won’t kill your transcript. Similarly, if your grades dipped one semester because of extenuating circumstances like an illness or a death in the family, then that can be explained in the additional information section on the Common App or by your college counselor.
That being said, if you’re receiving all B’s in your junior year, then you’ll have a tough time getting into top schools. An upward trajectory is important to admissions officers. They want to see that you’re getting better and better — not that you peaked in 9th grade when courses were easiest.
What types of classes did you get B’s in?
The strength of your curriculum is incredibly important. You need to show colleges that you have taken advantage of the resources (i.e. AP, honors, or IB courses) offered at your high school. Getting a B in Health class is pretty different from a B in Advanced Multivariable Calculus! Show that you have challenged yourself. Sometimes a tough class will result in a B, but as long as you’re mostly making A’s, it’s worth the effort to take harder classes.
What are your test scores like?
Getting a B in AP US History, but scoring a 5 on the APUSH Exam and an 800 on the US History Subject Test is a great way to show that you have mastered the material. Think critically about where else you can show your aptitude for a subject — even if your grades don’t immediately reflect it. Your test scores can help combat any doubts admissions officers may have.
What do your letters of recommendation say?
A great way to overcome lower grades is to have your teacher from that class write your college letter of recommendation. If you worked really hard for that B, put in extra effort, met with your teacher after school, and demonstrated genuine interest in the subject, your teacher will be able to speak to those qualities in a letter! (Note: If you received a B because you slacked off…best to look for a recommendation elsewhere) When possible, take advantage of your letters of recommendation to get out in front of any blips on your transcript.
How does your GPA compare to your classmates?
The importance of context cannot be understated in the admissions process. When you finally hit submit, you’ll be placed in an application pile by region. You’ll first and foremost be read alongside the people most like you: fellow students at your school. Admissions officers seek to admit the best of the best, so they want to evaluate how you’ve performed compared to other students with the same opportunities available to them.
As you may have guessed, at top schools this is all the more important. For example, at Yale a whopping 96% of students graduated in the top 10% of their high school class. If you have a few B’s and are still at the top of your class, you remain in a strong position! But if you slip low into the ranks of your high school class, your chances at the Ivy League may fall away too.
What are you doing outside the classroom?
Always remember that your high school GPA is just ONE piece of the puzzle! Ivy League schools evaluate applicants holistically, so they’re looking to make sure that you’re not only a good student, but that you’re also a critical thinker, that you are a passionate learner, that you give back to your community, and that you have made an impact in some way throughout high school. Grades alone won’t get you into a top school. Although, having mostly A’s definitely doesn’t hurt!
What is your application looking like overall?
At the end of the day, there will be thousands of applicants with great high school GPAs and solid SAT scores. While having strong numbers is an asset, it won’t make you stand out. To differentiate yourself, a captivating story becomes essential! Don’t underestimate the power of a memorable application. If your high school GPA is on the edge, a top-notch application can make all of the difference. Take time to develop your Common App activities list and write a compelling personal statement — you’ll be glad you did.
Remember the reality!
Is one or two B’s the end of the world? No. Your grades are a threshold matter — once you reach a certain level with your numbers, a stronger high school GPA will not significantly increase your chances of admission. This threshold typically lies around a college’s average GPA — once you’re there, you’ve proven your academic abilities. Your grades aren’t everything!
Your transcript and high school GPA do not have to be flawless for the Ivy League, but you do want to reach the threshold to be considered seriously. And as you would expect, the threshold for top schools is very, very high. A couple of B’s won’t break your high school GPA, but keep in mind the competitive admissions landscape that you’re examining.