Hello! I’m Isaac and I’m a Graduate Coach with InGenius Prep. I recently graduated with a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Trinity College, University of Oxford. Focusing on the philosophy and politics elements of the degree, I obtained high First Class honours, winning the R. Knox Prize for finals performance in philosophy. I will begin graduate studies in Philosophy at the University of Oxford in October, and in the coming years, I intend to pursue a career in academic philosophy.
I have years of experience guiding students to study disciplines related to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Oxbridge and other top UK Universities. My areas of expertise include working with students on philosophy and political theory, providing guidance on personal statements, and interview preparation. I am also an experienced tutor of the TSA admissions test which is required for PPE and other disciplines at Oxford University.
I am passionate about tea and was president of the Oxford University Tea Appreciation Society as an undergraduate. Apart from this, my free time is usually divided between playing chess and playing the piano.