Hello! I am a PhD student in the Psychology department at Yale University, with a focus on neuroscience. My research is centered around understanding how two individuals communicate socially through the gaze of their eyes and how the relevant signals are processed in the brain. Social communication is an essential part of our identity as human beings. Comprehending the intricacies of gaze-based interactions, thus, is a step toward answering the fundamental question of who we are. It also allows us to develop new intervention strategies for psychological illnesses that impact gaze in social situations.
I majored in biology as an undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Science, which allowed me to attend multiple theoretical biology, introductory mathematics, and physics classes, in addition to taking the core biology courses. I also worked in different labs and engaged in both experimental and theoretical projects, which eventually helped me find my niche in research. I enjoy exploring questions in biology and prefer approaches that can make quantitative predictions, which makes systems neuroscience a rewarding field for me to work in.
I look forward to starting a conversation with you to help you find a field of research that you resonate the most with, and build an application to do that research in one of the top institutes in the world!