Hi! I am a Graduate Coach at InGenius Prep, currently based in Stockholm, Sweden, and Lisbon, Portugal. Born and raised in Sweden, I had always been drawn to the many diverse and unique education opportunities in the US. I earned my undergraduate degree from Harvard University. During my studies, I spent one year at a French university in Paris and, naturally, graduated with a Major in Philosophy and a Minor in French. I have since enrolled in the Master’s degree program in Philosophy at Oxford University and received my MBA degree from Harvard Business School. I have worked both in finance at Goldman Sachs in New York and London and at an NGO in Rwanda, finally landing somewhere in between.
I am a huge believer in finding inner peace. For me, that involves nature, animals, and mindfulness, with a significant element of curiosity. I have climbed both Kilimanjaro and Kebnekaise -Sweden’s highest mountain – and have walked the one month long Camino de Santiago across France and Spain. I have worked with lions in South Africa, and spent three months as a novice nun at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand.
My life mission, however, concerns the human potential. In order to reach our potential, I am confident that we must marry our passions and our talents. I am strongly driven to help students find their potential, and thus will do everything in my power to discover and evolve each student’s unique capabilities and goals – and, importantly, to communicate this effectively to universities. The key to doing so lies in the inspiring exploration of opportunities in conjunction with rigorous, detailed, and focused work. Few things of importance come for free in life, but the process must be authentic, as it will build an important foundation for students’ future paths and success.